Softcover/Perfect bound: 110 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1524641085
Size: 8.25 x 11 inches
Price: $17.99, ebook: $3.99
A Book of Poetry & Lyrics
By Bruce Sanford
Where to Buy:
Barnes & Noble
Books a Million
This book of poetry and lyrics is an ongoing set of love and information statements and letters to all people of the thoughts and feelings relating to Bruce Sanford’s experiences, the effects of world events, and references throughout nearly seven decades of his evolving life and living, with still more to come. From his Greentown childhood in rural farmland near Canton, Ohio to the honor of being enchanted by all five boroughs of New York City, and out into the fields and farms and shores of central New Jersey, Bruce Sanford is now releasing his personal emotions, opinions, suggestions, information, and even his twists and turns, throughout this book.
From world and country and personal history, Bruce has steadfastly and resolutely lived and portrayed the belief that there is always and forever an impromptu and spontaneous love, in the moment, from or to at least one person, and even more than one person, Everyday. There are so many nice and special people one encounters every single day. We should watch for it. We should absorb and acknowledge that flicker of love and warmth, and that fleeting moment of knowing it just happened again and again, at least once, EVERYDAY ! He maintains that you should please Enjoy and Pass it On.
Playlist from A Book of Poetry & Lyrics